
Student Researchers

Our doors are open to students interested in doing research in the field of computational structural biology. The current recruitment focus is on Butler University students, although external researchers can also be considered depending on the availability of the funds. The level of experience required for each project is described under the projects section. Butler University Pharm.D. students from COPHS along with undergraduate students from the Chemistry, Biology, and Computer Science departments are welcome to apply for semester or summer research in Gulsevin Lab. To join us, you can contact Dr. Alican Gulsevin ( with an academic CV emphasizing your coursework and technical skills, and a paragraph summarizing why you are interested in doing research in this group.

Postdoctoral researchers

Postdoctoral researcher positions may be available depending on the availability of funds. These positions typically focus on particular projects, although involvement in additional projects is also possible. Postdoctoral work in Gulsevin Lab. will not only help you advance your skills in the field of computational chemistry, but also provide you with the opportunity to work closely with student researchers from different backgrounds, which will help improving your mentoring skills.

Currently, we have several grant applications on different projects that may lead into new openings. Please check back in July for postdoctoral scholar opportunities!

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